Controller Consulting ServicesShort Term Conversion Controller on Private Equity takeovers, recently sold companies with new debt lien holders, services offered with flexible terms. Full scope system conversions, including Accounting method conversion, creation of financial analysis, financial statements, board package preparation and debt (bank reporting requirements). Business Accounting- Small Business ServicesProvide Accounting and Finance Services for small business types along with ongoing Tax Services. Accounting services with flexible arrangements. Provide small business service entry into the Small ERP accounting reporting environment through QuickBooks Implementation services. Ongoing Support offered in a virtual capacity. Small Business Tax Services/Corporate Tax Assistance/Multi National Firm AssistanceImplementation ConsultingImplement or create a new ERP environment. Project Management Services for implementation or conversion into a new ERP environment. Product Selection services, analysis, negotiation. Assistance with Conversion and mapping creation into the new system. Work closely with technology departments during implementation to resource ongoing services for the new system. Also available for small scale clients including individuals that want to pay closer attention to their finances. |
Tax Preparation Services-Individual/Self EmployedTax Preparation for individual returns includes Self Employed (Business Returns, Schedule C), Rental Properties, Itemized Deductions, Tax Advice, ongoing Consulting offered. Prior Year Analysis offered. Amendments offered. Virtual Advice and Tax Preparation, low cost Tax Software service with all forms available. RecruitingFlat Fee Based Recruitment initiatives regardless of salary range offered for small businesses only. Recruiting for Medium to Large sized company offered on a percentage basis of first years salary. Very competitive rates offered. Guaranteed to beat larger firms prices with equally talented representation. Contracts also offered on a short term and temporary basis. Business is currently running in a virtual capacity. Property Tax ConsultingIf you own residential property you have the right to protest your property taxes. If you disagree with any of the ARB's actions regarding your property, you may protest. This service is contingency based, so you only pay if we save you money. |
BrightBuzz Atlas Management, LLC. P.O. Box 340313 Lakeway, TX 78734.